Friday, August 29, 2008

2nd Post

So yesterday my Sampler pack from P&G came in. They filled it with all kinds of fun goodies. :) 2 Razors. One for me, One for my Love, Head & Shoulders Shampoo, Olay, Gillette Shampoo, Crest Toothpaste. This freebie came in pretty fast and it's full of useful things.

To get your own go to:

I'm watching "All Dogs Go To Heaven" with Drake at the moment as I update this. It was one of my favorite movies as a child. It's still so awesome.haha. Also, last night Nick and I watched an older movie "Look who's Talking." It was great! I haven't seen it in years. I remember when I was younger I never knew what the start of it was, but I thought it was cool.haha. Now, I'm older and I actually know what's happen at that part. Awww I was so young than.

Drake has been sleeping awesome during the night. He wakes up once and wants something to eat. So, he has a little drink of his bottle than back to sleep. :) Than he will wake up in the morning around 8am-9am. Not bad!

I'm excited my little man will be turning 8months on September 3rd. Time has flown by so fast. I remember this time last year. Back than it seemed like it was going to take forever for him to finally be here.haha. He now says "mama", "dada", and "baba." Everyday he seems to be up to something new. Being a mom is one of the best things ever.

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